Legal information
Intellectual property
Products shown on this website include aspects that are protected under patent, copyright, design copyright, registered design and trademark laws. Torin will take all necessary legal action in any part of the world against any party found to be manufacturing, distributing, selling, or otherwise dealing with any article that infringes Torin’s rights towards its products.
Legal information/notice
The information available on this site is provided solely for information purposes regarding Torin and the products and services they offer. Torin makes no representations about the materials or information on this site or any sites linked to this site. With respect to the information available on this site Torin expressly excludes any representation or warranty (express or implied) to the fullest extent permitted by law. Torin accepts no liability for any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages, or any lost profits, or other losses or damages of any kind, whether or not Torin is advised of the possibility of such damages.
The copyright in the material contained in this site belongs to Torin. Any information provided by you to Torin by e-mail or otherwise in response to this site shall be non-confidential. Torin shall have all rights to the information provided and may use it in any way it chooses.
Torin makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information and material provided at this site is accurate at the time of inclusion, but at any particular time, there may be inaccuracies, omissions, or information that is not up to date. Torin may at any time add to, delete, correct, or otherwise change any part of the information or material contained in the site without notice or liability.
Torin takes no responsibility for the misuse of the information on this site.
As part of the policy of continuous product improvement, Torin reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.
Torin Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 4569050
Torin Limited: Registered in England No. 4569050. Registered Office: Fleming Way, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9YX. VAT No: GB800739350